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Konni Burton, former Republican State Senator 

DFW Conservative Voters PAC

Texas How School Coalition

Mona Bailey, Tarrant Count Republican Party Executive Committee

John Dotson,Tarrant Count Republican Party Executive Committee

R. Matthew Graham, Tarrant Count Republican Party Executive Committee

Stay Law, Tarrant Count Republican Party Executive Committee

Katheryn Moore, Tarrant Count Republican Party Executive Committee
The Honorable Michael Crain

Ron DeCorte
Brendan Walsh
Jeffrey C. Reese, MD

Susan Valliant
Kitty Berger
Craig Ownby
Benson Varghese
Allen “Bernie” Connolly
Wade Purtell
William Meili
Steve Gebhardt
Brandon Barnett
Brian Poe

Leticia Martinez

Kristy Smith

Allan Smith 

Jamal Qaddura

Jennifer Pacheco

Kara Carreras

David Clibb

James Thomas

Mark Thorne-Thomson

Lisa Haines

Lori Leach

George Griffin

Christy Jack

Steve Pezanosky

Jeff Kearney

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